
Talking about trashy?

Pamela. No, not this man, she was once a one hot piece of blond regardless having fake boobies. Niw look what botox made her appear like. Ouch.

Now remember that chick from Spice Girls? They all have silicone boobs. This one actually looks like she has been working out,but that doesn't help when a woman put a bikini that's not her size. Plus, what do you expect to see in your panties? Maybe some worms or something?
Well, Beyacky is the youngest of these three [we hope so]. Let's wait and see what her future will look like.
She has what it take: Silicone in her body, botox in her face and hell knows what else..


  1. It's wayyy to easy to get a blog these days. Maybe you should spend a little less time blogging about someone who couldn't give a seventh of a shit about you and more time trying to get a college degree.

  2. lol

    ill do the honors and be the 2nd person to comment on this pathetic blog

  3. Self Proclaimed STANS! Zip it and go on a fan site instead, of getting mad. BEYONCE DOWNE!

  4. this shit is fucking pathetic

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. The person who owns this blog is Beyonce's biggest fan! Spending all your time writing about her like it's an obsession!

  7. And you're probably not educated enough to know that word is 'fans' and not 'stans'!

  8. These haters will never get Beyonce down. She's too strong for that! These haters are just jealous because they can't afford Queen B's music!

  9. Maybe it's because they have no interest in buying her "music".

  10. There are more people who love than hate her music! You ROCK B! These haters are just jealous!

  11. What are the "haters" jealous of? Personally, I would envy Michelle O.
    And why is it that when there is an opinion of Beyallboutme that is not praise and worship, then it is because that person is jealous or a "hater". Seems rather childish.

  12. You know what's childish?? Creating a blog and posting only negative things about her, calling her names and insulting her! That's childish!

  13. People insult others all the time. Why is it an abomination to insult Bey? People are going to do it no matter what. That seems to be the norm when it comes to fame. Sad, but true. Some are going to feel is all that and there are some who just aren't and they are going to express it. They do it with all other "stars" so she won't be an exception. Why do some of you all take it so personal? She obviously could careless. So, you should too.

  14. this blog is DEAD

  15. has this site been hacked, it's hard as hell leaving a comment here

  16. dats not even beyonce juss lik dat wasnt jay-z hater work on da pg juss seein wat u waste ya life on! hahaha

  17. what the hell is your problem with beyonce?
    you are just jealous.

  18. when her worshippers stop claiming her to be the best ever, maybe, just maybe, the so called 'haters' will quit feeling the resentment towards her.
    the fact that you stans will get all pissy when someone says they don't feel she's all that great a singer/dancer, etc. but will turn around and talk smack and belittle and berate any other BLACK FEMALE artist. Why is that?
    What's funny is the stans will claim that any non-bey fan is a racist white girl that's jealous of beyonce' or a fat unattractive jealous black girl. When you call out the 'black girl' you say, why can't you support her because she is black... However, let someone say Rihanna or Keyshia, Alecia Keys, or Mary J Blige or any other black female singer, you'll be the first to go nuts on how horrible they are, either as a person or as a performer. Yet, they are all black female celebrities that are doin' what they do... Doesn't make sense, does it?

  19. Why are bey's knees so dirty lookin' all the time?
    And have you seen her man feet? EWW!
