
Some stans in the industry.

Have you heard about Esmee Denters? Apparenly, it's that chick from youtube, which was noticed by Justin TimberCake (well,he used to be hot 6years ago). When asked whom she would like to eat out, Esmee said...Beyacki!

haha,Knowles was right about her inspiration to little girls. Now what, Denters will start showing what her momma gave her?

According to this little girl Beyonce is ''such an inspiration <...> amazing performer and ACTRESS''. Lol, honey, go watch 'Obsessed', but all you will see is her curly weave to distract you from horrible acting skills. Wait,what skills?? She has none.

Or Esmee one clever gal,which knows whose ass she needs to kiss. Good job!

P.S. It's no joke,that Beyonce once mentioned she would like to win an Oscar. Good luck with that. You're no Halle ,baby.


  1. She can keep dreaming of that Oscar because we sure know that Matt can not buy this one! lol

  2. I really dont know what did she do wrong!!
